Friday, July 22, 2011

Something you have prolly never heard of before...

Do we really need a new Xbox 360 that beeps and whistles like R2-D2?  My Xbox does that but its what its supposed to do.  Fuck you Lucas.

And now to something else on my mind:

   Hipsters are the bane of society. They find the most liked thing today and find the exact opposite and act like everyone should know whatever that is.  The reason no one knows it is because IT IS NOT FUCK IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO CARE ABOUT!!!

  There is one silver lined cloud that saves me from just punching every hipster in the face. That is sex. Sex is everywhere and since it's THE thing going one right now, hipsters have to like to opposite which is celibacy. And because of that all hipsters will never procreate. They can't, it's against their code. This means there will never be any babies wearing horn-rimmed glasses and flannel over-shirts. There will never be future generations of hipsters and I thank whatever is the most popular deity for that, because he hates hipsters just as much as me.  It's too bad that it will take a generation for this to pass but I have a feeling my kids and their kids will have a less douchey future. I can live with that.