Friday, July 22, 2011

Something you have prolly never heard of before...

Do we really need a new Xbox 360 that beeps and whistles like R2-D2?  My Xbox does that but its what its supposed to do.  Fuck you Lucas.

And now to something else on my mind:

   Hipsters are the bane of society. They find the most liked thing today and find the exact opposite and act like everyone should know whatever that is.  The reason no one knows it is because IT IS NOT FUCK IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO CARE ABOUT!!!

  There is one silver lined cloud that saves me from just punching every hipster in the face. That is sex. Sex is everywhere and since it's THE thing going one right now, hipsters have to like to opposite which is celibacy. And because of that all hipsters will never procreate. They can't, it's against their code. This means there will never be any babies wearing horn-rimmed glasses and flannel over-shirts. There will never be future generations of hipsters and I thank whatever is the most popular deity for that, because he hates hipsters just as much as me.  It's too bad that it will take a generation for this to pass but I have a feeling my kids and their kids will have a less douchey future. I can live with that.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A New Hope. (P.S. Has nothing to do with Star Wars)

    Its an odd feeling to be filled with a new hope. Only because you can't believe that you went so long with out it.  I don't know if it is because a family member is getting married or if its because I found something to look forward to in life and the career I want to follow.  Maybe its a combo but it is a good thing none the less.

    It seems that I have finally come to terms with all the things that happened during college and how if anything changed then the people in my life would have changed.  It's super trite and corny to look at it that way but its true.  I was looking at some friends blogs and how uncertain they are about life and all I can say is "Sack up!"  If you don't like where you are emotionally, geographically, or where you are on "the road of life," then change it. Life doesn't take you where you want.  Its the other way around dumbass.

   I'm really tired of hearing how people are "forever single" or "never wanted."  First of all get out of you head.  Nothing good ever happens in your head.  Secondly, take the advice I took for a friend; "When you stop looking for it, it happens."  Is there something so wrong about being by yourself anyway?  Yeah I know that sounds like a huge single line but would you rather be in some shitty worthless relationship so you can escape the thought of being single and all of what that encompasses?  There is something wrong in this generation that makes it acceptable to hide from themselves.  Over half of all marriages end in divorce these days.  Are we so oblivious to ourselves that ending a marriage or relationship is easier than to realize we create problems?  Are we so lonely that we make bigger deals of things because it takes the edge off of other problems?

    Yeah this ended up being a "I hate my generation!!!!:( :( :(" blog but I'm not hating all of it.  Just some parts.  I just feel that this generation has never really seen a huge problem and when they do they have a safe place to be protected from it.  The boomerang effect has sheltered us from the harshness of life that could teach us.  The boomerang effect is when kids graduate from college they come back home to save money rather than get a job and a loan and live away from their family. Is that really what we need?  Does it strengthen us to not go through these troubled times?  It just seems like we won't ever evolve to where we need to be, to help us grow as a species.

    I'm drunk.  These are feelings I have.  I'm just really tired of hearing tweets and update about "I'm single =( boohoo" or "Life is teh sucksors," FUCKING TRY HARDER.  And if you tried your hardest then I guess you have to try harder.  Life isn't about complaining about what you could've had.  It's about the journey you took to get to where you want and what you want.  Oh, and stop tweeting that shit.  It's really annoying.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The sound of one hand clapping...

   It has been a crazy month here at the Sorcerarium and it has all had to do with a good friend, Ross the DM, leaving for the Peace Corps.  I went up to visit him for a going away party and had a blast.  However while being drunk among friends and random people that showing up I saw that some people were sad that Ross was leaving.  I'm not saying that it is not a sad thing but they were acting like he was going to die and never come back.  It bothered me that he was being seen this way.
   It seemed that only because he was going to a third world country that everyone was upset.  Why? Was it because we couldn't text him?  Play some Battlefield: Bad Company 2 with him?  Or was is a simple thing of it being that it was a different continent all together?  I really don't know.  But I am choosing to remember him as a badass and will see him in 2 years.
    I'm using the title of this blog as a metaphor that I can best describe how people should feel about not seeing people for a long time or maybe ever again.  You and someone else can high five a thousand times.  Maybe even five thousand.  You will have shitty high fives, awesome high fives, awkward high fives, and most likely a lot of mediocre high fives.  Now your friend leaves.  You obviously can't high five anyone but if you go through the motions and think of that person you will feel on you hand that one super hard high five that left you in agony for a moment, or when you made that solid connection and it was the most perfect one yet.  There so many high fives that you can remember that it can make you smile and continue with your day. 
    We all wait for Ross the DM to come back so we can hang out and play some more DDnD but until then we will hold our hands up and think of the high fives.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drinking Dungeons and Dragons

So you maybe wondering "What is Drinking Dungeons and Dragons?"  Well it is an addon that my friends and I decided to make up one night when we were drunk and it actually transcended to the sober world. I mean it adds another layer to the strategy that comes along in the game.

1) Everyone starts off with 3 shots of alcohol, even the DM.  Those shots can make any miss a hit and any hit a crit.  The DM gets an extra added bonus that they can make any hit a miss.
2) Take a drink for every standard action, initiative roll, and whenever you feel thirsty.  And yes the DM has to take a drink for every standard action of all their monsters on the field.
3) Shots reset every 2 encounters. Just like action points.

You will get fucked up by playing this.  This game is not for the weak livered.  You will easily go through 4-6 beers plus 3-6 shots for every 3 encounters.  You might be thinking "Golly geewhiz! This sounds difficult!"  Well not to worry child from the 50s.  We have decided to make a podcast while playing DDnD.  Hopefully you will listen to it and realize just how drunk we get.

DDnD LINK (When it goes live I will link to it)

Pro Tip: Don't spend your shots all up front. We learned that the hard way.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Drunk!

This is the start of Lazam's blog of how to be a Southern Gentleman.  Stay tuned for words of wisdom.