Thursday, February 24, 2011

The sound of one hand clapping...

   It has been a crazy month here at the Sorcerarium and it has all had to do with a good friend, Ross the DM, leaving for the Peace Corps.  I went up to visit him for a going away party and had a blast.  However while being drunk among friends and random people that showing up I saw that some people were sad that Ross was leaving.  I'm not saying that it is not a sad thing but they were acting like he was going to die and never come back.  It bothered me that he was being seen this way.
   It seemed that only because he was going to a third world country that everyone was upset.  Why? Was it because we couldn't text him?  Play some Battlefield: Bad Company 2 with him?  Or was is a simple thing of it being that it was a different continent all together?  I really don't know.  But I am choosing to remember him as a badass and will see him in 2 years.
    I'm using the title of this blog as a metaphor that I can best describe how people should feel about not seeing people for a long time or maybe ever again.  You and someone else can high five a thousand times.  Maybe even five thousand.  You will have shitty high fives, awesome high fives, awkward high fives, and most likely a lot of mediocre high fives.  Now your friend leaves.  You obviously can't high five anyone but if you go through the motions and think of that person you will feel on you hand that one super hard high five that left you in agony for a moment, or when you made that solid connection and it was the most perfect one yet.  There so many high fives that you can remember that it can make you smile and continue with your day. 
    We all wait for Ross the DM to come back so we can hang out and play some more DDnD but until then we will hold our hands up and think of the high fives.